Lighten Up the Darkness

Lighten Up the Darkness

Clocks went back last weekend. Are you feeling the energetic shift?  It’s rather magical how less daylight in 24 hours de-regulates our nervous system. You may notice it more abruptly if you weren’t feeling it before changing the clock and acclimating to...
Following Your Heart’s Purpose

Following Your Heart’s Purpose

I’d love to share something near and dear to my heart this week. Several years ago, I attended a fundraiser for the nonprofit organization CASA Washington County. It was a beautiful evening with food, drinks, a silent auction, great speakers, and a memorable...
The Power of Being Present & Grateful

The Power of Being Present & Grateful

Damn, I am feeling blessed, sure I generally feel grateful and appreciative for my life. However, things have been hitting a little differently since I returned from France last week. As  I contemplate what has shifted in my vibration, I’m noticing it was more...
Embrace Your True Identity Beyond Emotions

Embrace Your True Identity Beyond Emotions

Simple question: Who Are You?   As I dive into this question, it’s more complex, or is it!?  I’ve done an exercise that requires looking in the mirror to see what is reflected. At first glance, the physical representation is reflected, a meat suit, if you...
Welcoming the Shifting Energies of Fall

Welcoming the Shifting Energies of Fall

Early fall, ahhh…  Mother Nature’s gentle nudge toward slowing down, inviting clarity, and shifting from summer’s passionate, fiery heart energy to the wise-inspired lung energy of fall. Breathe in and let it all out, BIG SIGH! As much as I love my...