I know it’s not your first rodeo! You’ve experienced fall for as many years as you’ve been alive, and yet, have you been present with the subtle shift in the overall energy, or do you find you tend to “push through” and override the call for a retreat?

If this resonates with you, give yourself permission to embrace the magnificence of fading light, which gently encourages slowing the pace. Find space to honor the summer’s bounty and all the living that took place.  And I do hope you lived it up! 

Really notice how the season speaks to you. It’s so much more than sweater weather. Make no mistake: I love a good shorts and sweater/hoodie outfit as much as the next person. And while shifting my wardrobe is a welcome change, it’s even sweeter when I fall deeper into resonance with the cadence of Mother Earth’s rhythms.

Autumn’s Attunement I invite you to sit and…

Allow the gentle breeze to whisper sweet sentiments of stillness in your ear, listen.

Observing as the vibrant greens morph into gorgeous orange, red, and gold is nature’s way of clueing us in—such visual beauty in transition.

Her tender song with a slower beat echoes as the sun fades and ques the darkness.

Leaves crunch under our feet gracefully. She releases and lets go of what is ready to be shed, allowing spaciousness as she patiently waits for renewal.

It’s an invitation to honor and then purge, cleanse, and clear what is no longer of service to our highest good.  

You are leaving us bare, naked, and like a blank slate except for the gift of the recent lived experience for reflection and refinement.

…that’s what I call …

Autumn attunement! 

Lean in and see what wants to go, bless it, and let it leave. Trust you have all you need now, and be open to receiving what is yet to come!!

This is what it feels like to be in the FLOW of the seasons.
