Grow with the Flow 

Embodiment + Self-Love Coaching


I help fed-up humans untie emotional knots by coaching them to grow with the flow so that they can begin to amplify joy and happiness in their life, relationships, and future endeavors.

Bobbi Renee Self-Love Coaching
Bobbi Renee of Bobbi Renee Self-Love Coaching

Because getting by is just not enough, reawaken to the happiness and joy that is your natural state!

“A calm and modest life brings more happiness then the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness”  -Albert Einstein 

Being in flow feels like…

  • Waking up energized and excited for what the day might bring 
  • Things falling into place, noticing yeah “shit happens” and I am here for it
  • Confidence and ease coursing through your veins

Free Your Flow + Claim the Calm

When chaos has you on tilt, you feel . . .  Over Stressed, Sluggish & Fed Up 

Grow With The Flow Coaching brings you back to your natural state, and you get to feel . . 

  More energetic  |  Passionate  |    Invigorated 

Just as plants naturally grow toward the sun, our dreams and desires feed our souls.

Embodiment + Self Love are the rays of sun to our soul  |  Liberation + Abundance are the keys to a fulfilled life


Meet Bobbi

I am the antithesis of the phrase “people do not change” and that has fueled my passion and commitment to the way I coach clients.  I have been so angry, scared and alone that I didn’t even like myself let alone let anyone love me.

My approach straddles the line of tough love and pure compassion as I hold firm to values like honesty, integrity, love, connection and family.  I lean heavily toward curiosity, inquiry, and invitation as I hold space for client wisdom to come through in sessions that can be integrated into life.

I want to welcome you into the space where emotional patterns and conditioning can be revealed and unraveled. A container where you can explore what embodiment of your most treasured values feels like and go deeper or transcend beyond the level of the mind where self-love reigns and life is in flow as intended, infused with peace and calm.

Meet Bobbi Renee image for Grow with the Flow Self-Love Coaching

Untangle Emotional Stress and Flow Freely

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Embodiment + Self-Love Coaching: Release and unravel the emotional knots that have formed the beliefs and patterns running on replay in your life. Reveal and embody your truest nature of peace and calm, deeply connected and rooted in self-love and appreciation, where you live life to its fullest potential.  


Graceful Growth Mastermind: A high-level, intentional three-month journey that provides the practices and tools for untying emotional knots. We’ll take a deeper dive into transcendence over transformation, and you’ll learn exactly what it means to grow with the flow of life and live from a place of full embodiment while embracing your most natural state of self-love. 

Client Stories

“I  am forever grateful for Bobbi and her beautiful soul.”


My work with Bobbi has been transformational and has gone beyond what I ever thought was possible. Professionally, this has been amazing and given me confidence, conviction and strength that I had previously lacked and struggled to find. I am forever grateful for Bobbi and her beautiful soul. 

-M.Z. Washington, PA Financial Planner


“I can finally see myself in a positive light.”


In my journey with Bobbi I have learned so much about myself – most importantly that I am AMAZING!  I can finally see myself in a positive light, instead of always putting myself down, and I can honestly say I LOVE MYSELF! 

-S.S. Washington, PA Nurse


“[My staff and I] left feeling nourished and motivated.”


Working with Bobbi helped cultivate team synergy and trust among my staff. We left the workshop feeling nourished and motivated.

A.D. Business Owner, Washington PA

“I embrace life at a deeper level.”


Completely blown away!  I attended the retreat as a favor to a friend, and found myself sleeping better, being kinder in my relationships, (to my husband’s delight), and embracing life at a deeper  level.  It was amazing!

E.F. McMurray, PA Business Owner

“Working with Bobbi has completely changed my life.”


Working  with Bobbi has completely changed my life. It changed the act of simply living into a journey of life. After we had our first meeting I took a walk outside  to reflect and I just cried. I knew then that I wanted what she had. Having a life coach in my corner is like a warm soft blanket. She gives me comfort and security.

– D.W., Nurse, Washington, PA

Transcendence over Transformation

Imagine this: Waking up in the morning feeling joy, inspiration, motivation, love, and the overall happiness that is your natural state.  

Focus goes where energy flows, and you are the curator of your energy. You make downstream (with the flow) choices that align with your heart’s desire.

What’s changed?  

You have untangled the emotional baggage of limiting beliefs, past conditioning, and patterns that have interrupted your FLOW. They no longer sabotage and undermine your motivation and progress…you are free to Follow the Flow of life uninhibited and with ease and grace. 


Schedule Your First FREE Flow Session

You’re welcome to schedule a 45-minute FREE flow session with me, where we can connect and explore how growing with the flow can serve you in your life today. 

Working in EST

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM


Pittsburgh, PA
Serving clients locally & nationally