Welcome Your Yang & Abundant Heart Energy

Welcome Your Yang & Abundant Heart Energy

Welcome to the unofficial beginning of summer! All the summer feels – BBQs, swimming pools, parades, constant activity, excitement, and spontaneity. For me, summer yang (fiery/assertive/active) energy screams Growing with the Flow!  In the same way, we rested,...
Refuel Your Soul with Somatic Practices

Refuel Your Soul with Somatic Practices

Do you remember when cruise control in vehicles first became a thing? When I used it for the first time, it was wild! Think about barreling down the highway without touching the gas pedal. The car can accelerate or at least stay at a steady pace super cool and...
Stop Rowing and Start Flowing

Stop Rowing and Start Flowing

Flow, flow, flow your boat gently down the stream!  I invite you to stop rowing and start flowing. Think about it, if the current is moving and we can ride it, why not take the path of least resistance and allow ourselves the joy of navigating with it vs. against it...
Being In The Flow of Life at 50!

Being In The Flow of Life at 50!

Can you believe it? We are only a few days away from the Spring Equinox, arriving March 20th, along with the next CBQ session! Nature is perking up all around us. Do you feel it too? Speaking of perking up and feeling it… Today is my 50th Birthday, and I am so...