Sunday, I hosted the first CBQ live IN PERSON workshop, and it was amazing. 13 beautiful souls together sharing a cup of cacao, a clearing breath session, and energy enhancement with QiGong. It was the perfect way to close out the week and open space for the new week.

Big shout out to Fresh from the Farm Juices for providing the space! 

We tuned into our heart space with mother cacao, stilled the mind, and deepened our connection with the emotional body with breath and guided meditation. Breathing in love, and light, nourishing Qi (energy), and releasing stagnation and constriction, I’m telling you the room felt like a massive hug.

From a clear and present state, all were invited to share an intention or what they desire to call in for this moon cycle. What we can create or envision is fascinating when anchored in our bodies with love, compassion, and curiosity. 

If you can’t tell, I may be actually glowing as I type this!! 

This type of connection freakin’ lights me up, fills my heart with so much joy, and feeds the part of my soul that knows we are here for growth and expansion. The more we lean into our edges, release what is no longer needed or serves us, raise our vibration to a higher level, and connect and claim our power – the FLOW is inevitable.

When we are in FLOW, we have untangled the complication in our system. The doubts and fears become information and no longer determine our next moves.  

We get to honor and appreciate the lower vibrating energies like fear and doubt as we bring awareness to them AND acknowledge their origination. They show us there is more here for us to learn as we navigate the waters, stay grounded and present to our surroundings and emotions without letting them overtake our nervous system.  

If you missed the session and want to cash in on the full moon vibes this cycle, I invite you to find a little space where you can quiet the mind, open your heart, and tune into what your emotional body is craving, give it enough time to settle in and speak to you. And when it does,  listen with your full attention, and trust it comes from a place of love and compassion. 

Here is a video I made to help you in the process. 

Let Love Flow, 


P.S. Visit my website if you feel called, join us for upcoming CBQ Workshops.