In my last ten years as a coach, I’ve experienced many “identities,” but the Coach identity was very profound. Long before I completed my first certification, I felt the call. So does that mean it is part of “who I am” to mentor, support, guide, and be there for fellow humans?

Is it naturally occurring, or have I made a conscious decision to be a coach? Okay, maybe I have more questions than answers, and YEAH, that contributes to my coaching prowess, lol!!

Part of this idea of growing with the flow is born from the concept that we can fully explore attributes, decisions, and concepts while noticing with greater awareness of what “is” and by what “is,” I mean being in full observation mode. 

Observation mode requires reserving judgment, evoking curiosity, and naturally feeling for a response rather than a knee-jerk reaction from the cognitive or logical pillar (a wired pattern).  

Speaking of parts, to embody our truest essence, we must explore the various parts and identities that are either naturally occurring or have been born from ruptures and patterns created in our system over time.

Hold up, that is, assuming you are here and willing to do some exploration, which really does require loosening the grip or, as I like to say, untying the emotional knots that have formed us into who we are today. 

These emotional knots are created unconsciously as survival strategies. We tend to accept them as “who we are.” we become fearful, shy away, distracted, or avoid the unfamiliar in favor of what we believe to be our identity without inviting curiosity. 

Why did we do this? It seems much easier to put the cruise control on and operate in default mode. However, this mode keeps us in a cycle of repetitive behaviors and potentially feeling like victims. 

We get the same results, spiraling and feeling stuck, or that life has done us dirty. But do you know that you’re the one in the driver’s seat and can reroute at any time?

If any of this sounds familiar or piques your interest, you may have some identities to explore.

Okay, here are some of my identities . . . 

  • I am a hot head
  • I am a stepmom
  • I am a sales rep
  • I am a good friend
  • I am a coach 

I was programmed with the identities above, and I filtered my actions by what was expected of me in these roles. But as I began to explore and rewire patterns by connecting to my truth, leaning more into the unfamiliar to allow space for what was available, things began to shift and change. I RECALIBRATED.

The recalibration involved expanding and feeling into the wisdom that my body had to share. I relaxed into the FLOW OF LIFE and became so present and conscious that the hard-wired patterns no longer fit. That included mentors and coaches who had walked the path before me and had the wisdom and, most importantly, the patience to support my evolution.

The WHO am I is our natural identity, not one dictated by societal or cultural norms. You can find the answer to this question, untie the emotional knots, and rewire your hardware system through somatic coaching. I’ve experienced it firsthand and shifted my practice from mindset work to embodiment work as a result. I challenge you to dig a bit deeper into the WHO you are . . . 

YOU are invited to experience this for yourself, and I will be there beside you 100% of the way!

Let’s flow together! 
Schedule Your First FREE Flow Session!

Grow With The Flow, 
