Whooaaa, this week was such an excellent opportunity to reconnect after being away on vacation!

It started with a splendid Lions Gate Portal gathering, which was a fantastic opportunity to connect and reignite my intentions for the remainder of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. According to astrologers, it’s an opportune day for manifestation, a day to concentrate on whatever you want to achieve.

Between the powerful session immersion in the energetic field supplied by the cosmos and the Cacao Ceremony hosted by a dear friend and mentor who I deeply admire, I felt so connected and in tune with my purpose, my joy!

If you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about…well, let me tell you, cacao is plant medicine. It is the raw unprocessed version of cocoa. It is extracted from the seed pod of trees and is the basis of cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate. YES, it’s also YUMMY.

Cacao is consumed before mediations in the spiritual world and included in group gatherings as a powerful tool to go deeper into inner work. It’s most commonly associated with amplifying the vibration of heart energy and receiving clarity in the areas of love, purpose, intuitive abilities, career, and personal growth. It pairs well with journaling, visualization, or shamanic journeys. 

I’ve been levitating ever since, lol!! Seriously though, It got me wondering, why doesn’t every week start this way? Hell, not just every week but every day.

With all this swirling energy and contemplation, I dialed in clarity, and even though it is something I’ve taught clients for years now, I committed to beginning each day with an intention. Which technically means an aim or a plan. It goes something like this . . . 

When I wake in the morning, before grabbing my phone or even getting out of bed to pee…

I start with the words: Today I intend… and let whatever comes out come out. 

So far, it’s been . . .

  • I intend to approach others with deep gratitude.
  • I intend to eat healthily and treat my body like a temple.
  • I intend to reach out to someone I haven’t connected with lately and send love.
  • I intend to show up in complete alignment with my values. 
  • I intend to be fully present with my husband. 
  • I intend to bring a lightness to all those I encounter today.

What I’ve noticed thus far, and yes, it’s been a few days, but already I feel lighter, happier, and more connected to the higher version of myself. It gives me an anchor point to rest in as life gets lifey.

Try it. I’d love to hear how it goes for you! 

Grow With The Flow, 
