Have you ever walked off the curb and jammed your back? It’s 4,” but it feels like you’re carrying a ton of bricks on your shoulders as you take that step. So, what exactly was going on there…

Walking off that same curb in full awareness, you wouldn’t have even noticed it.

You may see that when we have a mind-numbing chaotic haze of thoughts swirling in our heads and our focus is on what’s next, how am I fitting it all in, juggling all the balls, that little step feels extremely painful and leads to feeling overwhelmed. 

It costs time and energy for healing. 

Now that I reflect for a minute, I’ve done this sh*t while driving a car. Because of this heaviness, I have the perfect little dimple in the hatch of my brand new car. Yep, I clicked into reverse while obsessing about my to-do list and rushing to get home. I couldn’t even wait for a nanosecond for the backup camera to come on before hitting a parked car. Hell YA, I blamed it on the camera!

Sadly, that’s not the only occurrence, and I won’t bore you with the others. 

This “busyness” has cost me plenty of money in repair work for my vehicles. 

Super painful to admit and occurs all too often in fits of chaotic consumption of more information, more data, OR being compelled to get this one last thing off my list. When this occurs, I neglect family and friends and cancel plans with those in front of me, yet I may as well be on another planet.  

It is costing me love and connection. 

No doubt, denting the car, jamming my back, and multitasking have proven to be disruptive…the thing most prevalent in my life and potentially the most damaging is how I treat my body when I am overwhelmed and escaping from reality.  

YEPP, I’m referring to the severe lack of presence when I am staring into the open refrigerator, pantry, or takeout container vacant and seeking to numb reality, the temporary fix that leads to the ultimate crash and self-loathing 

It is costing me love and compassion for myself.

Feeling frantic and overwhelmed is not a virtue to behold. It’s a massive deterrent to living the life we desire. Staying there is not an option if you want a life, relationships, and the potential to live out your dreams. 

Yes, I said dreams. Who has time for such trivial matters, LOL?  

What is a lack of focus or ability to be present to enjoy life costing you?

Think about it. 
  • Your health?
  • Your relationships with the ones you love the most? 
  • The ability to live the life you desire?

As an Embodiment + Self Love Coach, I help you navigate away from the chaos of your life so that you can wake up in the morning feeling joy, inspiration, motivation, love, and the overall happiness that is your natural state. Focus goes where energy flows, and you are the curator of your energy. You make downstream (with the flow) choices that align with your heart’s desire.

Align your heart with your true desires and let everything else go . . . 

Let love flow!
