How is it even possible that summer is winding down and school is starting back up? Summer flew by, and some of you may wonder what I’ve been up to!

I am excited to share that I spent the past couple of months being schooled in a deeper connection to myself as I completed another certification to help me be even more resourced and open-hearted while sharing in my workshops, breathwork sessions, and 1:1 client interactions. 

It’s been fascinating to observe firsthand what transpires in life as the mind and logic take a back seat to the wisdom and essence of an opening heart. The nervous system regulates and downshifts from the turbulence of fight or flight to a more calm and steady state of rest and digestion, quite literally digesting and assimilating energetic nourishment to feed the soul at its core essence. 


Some of the changes I’ve noticed in myself through this journey are how I relate to my emotions, the amount of space between a trigger and a response, and a super clear awareness of how important it is to lead with love and compassion.

And perhaps my favorite reflection of the summer is …..

How much more I’d like to share with others all that I have learned and continue to discover! 

I genuinely feel like my nervous system is in recovery, and I know it’s where it belongs. The flow states are more available, and activations are navigated with curiosity and consideration.  

It’s been an “upleveling” of sorts, and I’m super excited to share my continued journey with you…

A big part of my recent training includes emphasizing and consistently practicing modalities like breathwork, intention setting, sound healing, and time in stillness and contemplation.  

I brought this idea back with me when I began to plan my workshops for the fall. In addition to the Monthly Full Moon Breath and Sound Experiences, I will also offer separate Monthly Cacao Ceremony and Breathwork workshops focused on those somatic practices and a New Moon Intention-Setting Workshop. 

I officially invite you on this journey with me! Join me for super chill and fulfilling experiences where you can show up as yourself in whatever state you may be in to explore what may be coming up for you and how you can release whatever may be weighing you down! 

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions! 

Let’s let your love flow this fall! 
