That’s the feeling I get when I tune into where I am today as I encounter everyday instances, some may say triggers, and notice the way I respond vs. react. Another thing I see lately is that I am much easier to get along with and open to meeting and getting to know new people. Then there is the fact that I wake up every day with gratitude and appreciation in my heart…I could go on and on!  

And as I feel into that sense of peace and calm, I honor where I have come from, and all that has gone into my evolution along the way.  


I’ve been in some therapy or counseling for most of my adult life and attended my share of self-help workshops, seminars, and retreats over the past 25 years. This type of therapy is known as mindset work, and I dove super deep into this practice. However, I did not feel complete and repeating older behaviors and patterns. 

Mindset work ultimately prepared and led me to the next cut-SOMATIC healing.   

I moved from the cognitive approach of “knowing” what is best for me yet not following through or sustaining behavior change.

Into a space of observation, curiosity, and connection to the emotional, energetic and nervous system, which informs my life’s internal and external processes, has ROCKED my world, and I mean that positively. 

I began connecting SOMATICALLY through sensations and emotions in my body so that I experience and trust that what comes through for me is in alignment with my values and desires. Ultimately, my best interest has been life-altering.  

It sounds a little daunting and unfamiliar, yet it is much simpler than cognitively rationalizing and strategizing nonstop, agonizing over every f*n decision and move I make. 

However, getting to this place of trusting our intuition, following our true gut instincts, and cultivating a regulated nervous system is hard work and requires clearing out the “old/stuck” patterns running the show.  

Think about it, how often do you say, “I know _____ is not what I want, and yet I still ________” and get the same old result OVER AND OVER Again? 

Let me ease the pain for a moment. The pattern above happens because 80% of what motivates your actions comes from the stored emotional experiences in your body and not from what you “know” in your thinking mind. These body-based programs (held energy) are running the show.  

If that sounds confusing or like a bunch of BS, I invite you to begin to notice your triggers. Those times when you walk away from an experience feeling “icky” thinking, “that didn’t go well.” Release the self-judgment and invite compassionate inquiry.

Guide yourself through what emotions are present for you and genuinely connect with them. Get curious, and ask what the heck just happened here. Then listen from the body for the answer. Is this the first time you’ve felt this way? Has this been a pattern in your life?   

How might things have gone differently if you could connect to the emotional body, set it at ease, express compassion and then listen for wisdom to come through instead of a knee-jerk reaction?

Coming from a regulated nervous system aligned with the energetics of compassion and magnetized by gratitude/appreciation for self above all else relaxes our tendency to react and allows for settling into a response that is in complete alignment with your heart’s desire! 

Of course, this is an invitation for exploration and something that may take a little practice in awareness to embrace fully, but hey, I’m here for you if you want to try it with someone who has been there. 

Good news! I am where I am today to help you work through your emotional knots so that you can begin to grow with the flow and amplify joy and happiness in your life. I am a Self Love + Embodiment Coach and believe that you can untangle the emotional stress and stop repeating old patterns and limiting beliefs – start living in alignment with your true and higher self today. 

Schedule a Free Flow session, and bring your triggers and patterns!

Let Love Flow, 
