‘Tis the season where holidays and introspection collide.

If it hasn’t occurred to you, there is a bit of irony in the winter solstice and Christmas falling within days of each other. So here is your invitation to give yourself plenty of grace. 

On the shortest day of the year (Dec 21st), nature encourages us to find stillness, inner peace, and SLOW down. Allowing the gift in darkness to show us where we may be experiencing disproportionate energies, in this case, the busyness in a time meant for calm. 

Can you permit yourself this holiday season to ENJOY all of it?!

All of the rushing around, gathering with friends and family, attending parties, spreading cheer and joy, circulating the energy of giving and receiving, dressing fancy, and mingling. 


Honor the gift of the winter season by finding inner peace and contentment with PERFECT conditions for introspection and reflection. Amid the hustle and bustle, practice sacred time for rest and reflection, offering insight and what may be available in the rebirth and renewal of the “brighter days” ahead in the slow build towards spring. 

It’s simple perfection, ENJOY and let the love, and light of holiday cheer, flow into the blessings for the coming year!

Holiday Hugs and Peaceful Wishes to you and yours this holiday season!

Please make time to reflect, release and realign with me on Jan 6th. 

Be intentional this New Year and register now!

Let Love Flow, 
