I was packing my car a month ago to embark on my  first-ever Reclaim Retreat. As I drove to River Mountain, I was captivated by an enlightening audio clip by Richard Rudd from the Gene Keys about simplicity, setting the tone for the retreat. 

As always, it was perfect and relaxed me into a deep understanding: to avoid complication and allow truth and love to lead me with the intention of service to the higher good to guide me.  

Things would flow naturally, and there was no need to worry.

I wish I had this awareness sooner in life. Reflecting on my younger self, all the energy and effort I gave to worry and overwhelm now feels like a massive waste of resources. And yet here I am with this wealth of lived experience to call on, loosely, of course, without attachment, so that I can see and implement the lessons learned. 

And here today, in the new moon phase, I remind myself to surrender and soften even more into a gentle reset in preparation for what is next. By allowing what is complete to come to a close, I can plant new seeds and tend to what needs nurturing.  

I enjoy and celebrate this closure by decluttering, releasing, and cleansing to encourage the waters of intuition to flow fully.

If the idea of a clean slate appeals to you at this moment, here is your invitation to declutter a space in your home, in your heart, and in your mind by letting go of something that is no longer needed or serving your highest good. 

Notice what may be available as you physically or emotionally make space for a new intention or focus. 

What is leaving is making space for what will arise in perfect and divine time.  Allowing for stillness to usher in a new beginning, bring appreciation for what may have felt out of alignment to lead the way to what is calling you into your center of being and who you truly are! 

If you’re feeling inspired, join us on Thursday, June 20th, in celebrating the spirit of the Summer Solstice. This special event, held under the full moon’s light and the energy of the Summer Solstice, is a unique opportunity to connect with your inner self and embrace the season of abundance. 

The breath and sound experience will be the same but with a BONUS of a Yin yoga experience under the full moon’s light and the energy of the Summer Solstice.

Snacks and a ceremonial fire pit to BURN what is no longer serving you. 

Space is limited for this intimate outdoor gathering. Reach out directly for any questions at [email protected]

Much love and many blessings! 
