Ahhh, this time of year brings forth nostalgia, which according to the oxford online dictionary, is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.

And as I began to feel nostalgia this morning, I became curious about the difference between memories and nostalgia.  

Well, lucky for me, Google never disappoints. Memories are defined as “something remembered from the past; a recollection.” So I surmised…nostalgia seems to carry a little more emotional weight leaning towards higher vibration or desired past occurrences and associations where memories could be either higher or lower vibration. Easy enough to unpack, right?

Back to the point, singing carols by the piano with extended family, eating, drinking, and making merry is nostalgic for me. And if I ask myself (I’m really inquisitive today, lol) what is it that makes that scene nostalgic vs. a memory, the answer would be the sense of PEACE and CONTENTMENT that fills my soul as I tune into the sights, the sounds, smells and tastes of those Christmas Eve gatherings.  

By the way, if you are ever wondering what my morning rituals look like . . . I start my days by tuning into a feeling of compassion and curiosity as I sit in stillness with three pups and a cuppa coffee, gazing at the sunrise. It’s in these intentional moments that so much of the work that I do in the world, most recently the CBQ sessions, are born.

It’s been ten or so years since my mother passed the hosting of Christmas Eve on to me, and even with all the prep, cooking, cleaning, decorating, and planning, I find great peace and contentment in carrying on my family’s tradition.  

I have found this peace in recent years since somatic practices and emotional healing work have become a part of my daily rituals.

PEACE, defined as freedom from disturbance, tranquility, and CONTENTMENT meaning a state of happiness and satisfaction, have replaced the feeling of overwhelm and stress in my system, making this season so much more available for NOSTALGIA.

In the hopes of more access to these states for you all, I continue on this journey of living with compassion and curiosity and sharing soothing practices like Cacao Ceremonies, Breathwork, and QiGong into 2023, and I invite you to join me! 

Please register here for our January 6th CBQ Flow Session and look for the first quarter dates to be released in early January. Set your intentions in the New Year! I invite you to bring a friend with you to the session or purchase them the gift of peace and contentment this year. Feel free to email me with any questions: [email protected]

Happy Holidays!

Let Love Flow, 
