I’m feeling so blessed and alive reflecting on Wednesday night’s CBQ workshop, where the lovely Jen Lucas “chimed” in with sound bowls for the first time. Can I say it was AMAZING?

The vibration in the room felt super INTENSE and SOOTHING simultaneously. Yeah, let that sink in a minute! The beauty of contrast and being able to hold two sensations simultaneously safely added to the group’s energy field, and it is pure magic. 

For years I was more of a 1:1 girl. I worked out solo, sought out independent studies for continuing education, and shied away from group retreats or workshops. And eventually, as I felt called, I began leaning into a little more vulnerability and safety in groups. It’s been a blessing to allow others to witness my expansion and hold sacred space for theirs.

This experience is the beauty of duality. Contrasting emotions, experiences, etc., we need both. It’s imperative for growth and part of the flow of life. Decisions come from knowing what we don’t want and what feels out of alignment with our intention or core values. Exploring it all brings a richness that we can’t experience otherwise.

I still enjoy my solo endeavors and alone time, and weaving in group activities fuels my desire for connection, community, and contribution along with other basic human needs like, love, variety, and safety. For me the shift occurred after an invite to join a group workout program from a trusted friend. Once I felt the energy and expansion in my body, I  was a YES and began to seek even more harmony between solo and group activities.  

You are officially invited to dip a toe in the water of CBQ, with plenty of opportunities in 2023 to explore beautiful group energy, full schedule to come soon.

A few CBQ Updates 

I’m so freaking excited about CBQ that we will make it a regular occurrence monthly around the lunar cycle, so I look forward to seeing healing vibrational sound in the lineup for CBQs in 2023! Also they have been so well received and part of a regular offering, we will no longer call them workshops; they will be sessions that are recurring (exceptions around major holidays) throughout the year. 

The next session is on January 6, 2023. Register for this special new year’s session, where we will dial into intentions and alignment for the year ahead. 

I look forward to flowing and supporting you in this container soon! 

Let Love Flow, 
