These days, I spend lots of time in nature on trails, walking, hiking, biking, and meditating. Being among the sounds, smells, insects, animals, and plants brings me a deep sense of calm. I love how it deeply resonates with my internal system and invites a soothing, nurturing comfort that comes from being connected to the energy of mother nature herself.

Admittedly I haven’t always felt that connection. Growing up, I did spend plenty of time outside in the elements, playing, swimming, berry picking, bike riding, sled riding, all of it…then I abandoned nature for a decade (maybe 2 or 3), as I became too “cool” or too “busy” to PLAY! 

NO judgment here; it’s all part of the process. We are not meant to stay the same; we are ever-changing and evolving, just like nature. Experiencing contrast and returning to nature seems to have deepened my awareness of what I want more of in my life.  

Easier said than done sometimes. If I don’t take the time or space to notice the patterns or cycles that I perpetuate, I don’t see the forest through the trees. 

Can’t see the forest through the trees…what is that all about? 

We are being caught up in the details and lacking awareness of the big picture, the vast opportunity available to us when we attune to our deepest desires and let them speak loud and clear, expressive by society and social norms.  

As we cultivate the energy match for what we desire and allow it to resonate in our lives, we “get to” experience ourselves on another level. In this season of falling leaves, I invite you to get curious about seeing the forest through the trees, bring curiosity to some of the things you believe are “just the way I am,” and question that narrative.  

What contrast may be present for you, inviting introspection and asking yourself, “what do you want more of in your life?

Where you may be missing the mark is being overly attached to ideals. Or ways of “being” keep you from experiencing the sense of flow and ease always available when you are connected to what is naturally occurring.  

If this sparks an interest in exploring further, I’ve created a workshop that you may enjoy, CBQ Cacao. Breath and QiGong.

I am excited to share some practices that have been super helpful for me. Ways of connecting and attuning to presence and awareness, opening me up for what has always been available, AKA the forest through the trees, lo!! 

Let Love Flow, 


P.S. Register for my first CBQ Workshop at Fresh From The Farms on November 6th at 9:30 AM.