EEK, I know it’s time to start with everything, pumpkin and fall. Truth be told, I’m torn!

I freakin love summer. I love the warmth of the long days and the big, bold fiery energy that comes with it. It is the zip of how much more I can squeeze into each day. Traveling, grilling out, festivals, outdoor venues and markets, all the fresh cooling veggies and fruits… waking up to the sun peeking over the trees in my backyard as I sip my coffee, I’m going to miss all things summer.

And yet, this welcoming notion comes along with the transition to late summer or early fall. It feels like the seasonal equivalent of less hustle and more flow! It has a quality of slowing down, a sense of increased rest, and more reflective inward energy, beginning to crave grounding foods, intimate connections, and gatherings. 

Huh…sounds welcoming;-}

Sometimes I wonder if I am averse to change, then the immediate visceral feeling in my body answers, NO, that is not true. I embrace change, and I know that we are in a constant state of evolution, and literally, day to day, moment to moment, we change, shift, discern and choose… it’s beautiful and amazing! 

So I guess changing the leaves or the clothing we wear, turning in a little earlier, and adapting to a schedule with diminishing daylight hours are all part of the process.  

I chatted with myself today and said: “Self, what is this resistance about?”

The reply was clear, the fiery, ember part of me is feeling threatened by the flowier relaxed, and reflective part of the fall. My body is seeking harmony between these parts. Everything in our outside world mimics our inside world, and I welcome it all.

So once I had a chance to sit with and facilitate this little self-check-in, I decided

Being with and acknowledging these “parts” brings a sense of “I am okay” I get to feel and experience a range of emotions, and like the seasons ebb and flow, so does my energy and where I choose to place it. I can ride the wave or resist it, accept or deny it, but it doesn’t stop the comes, and I get to choose where I place my focus and energy every day.

So, with that, I welcome this new season and shift in the energetic frequency it brings along with it. I honor and appreciate all that is here and come with gratitude and wonder for what may arise.

Speaking of what may arise…

I’ve decided to invite in 3 new clients this fall for 1:1 coaching if you or anyone you know may be ready to explore what is next for them by tuning into what the heart desires and living from that place. You’ll elicit new exciting levels of development and GROWING WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE . . . Learn more and schedule your first FREE flow session with me! 

Grow With The Flow, 
