Last week’s Autumn equinox and new moon brought up an opportunity for balance and reflection, and as I sit with these concepts, renewal, reset, and re-calibration come to the surface. And as usual, there were no accidents. I happened to be spending some time hiking in Utah with my husband and friends.  

Some messages came through loud and clear…release control, be like the mountain water,  so clear and willing to reflect all the beauty surrounding us. 

I found myself repeating the words “nature is amazing,” witnessing wild moose, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, waterfalls, sheared rock, changing leaves, rock slides, majestic views, growth, and decay.  

Nature is astonishingly beautiful and just as mysterious. How do these mountain springs continually feed the flow of waterfalls? How do these trees grow directly out of rock?

I find it super interesting that when the rock splits and slides down, it eventually stops and precisely lands where it is meant to be!

The ebb and flow make sense in nature, and we don’t usually question it. We may not always agree with or feel like we have a choice, yet each occurrence gives rise to the “next.”

Witnessing such magnificence reminds me of why I am here, how I came here to serve, and that there are no accidents.

Nothing we create comes close to the wonder of our natural environment, so why not surrender and become more one with nature, allowing vs. forcing transformation?

Reflect on your progress and growth from summer and spring to allow space for what you desire to manifest in the coming seasons.  

Be ONE with Nature, and experience what it is like to GROW WITH THE FLOW…

Let Love Flow, 


P.S. SAVE THE DATE! I am excited to announce that my first CBQ (Chi, breath work and QiGOng) workshop will be on November 19th at 8 AM at Well-Oiled in Canonsburg, PA. More details coming soon!