Change is good, right?

So we had a retaining wall give way this summer in the backyard, unfortunate but shit happens. Staring out at the blank space that once was covered with evergreen trees, I began to think, whooaa, this looks weird…I’m not sure if I’m going to like it this way.

Then it hit me, change is good, even when it is a product of necessity, and sometimes that’s how it goes. On a very deep level, I am aware that life, circumstances, relationships, and career all prove that everything is happening for me at perfect timing.

That being the case, this new open space void of trees has literally given way to a blank canvas, new awareness, and endless possibility.

As I shifted my thoughts from “damn, this looks weird” to “hmm, what is possible for this area now” everything changed in my body. I shifted the lower frequency energy of, oh no, what did we do? To the higher frequency energy of curiosity and wonder, what is possible now?

With that awareness and focus, I felt peaceful and excited to create a new canvas/backdrop for the Tuscan feel of my backyard. Yes, I can still feel the sadness of missing what was…but I don’t have to be “stuck” there. I’ll choose to honor and appreciate the years of beauty and privacy they afforded me. 

Because I am a student first and teacher second, I embrace these moments where I “get to” explore my tendencies when it comes to going with the flow of life. And I saw this as a metaphor for creating sustainable transformations.  

Working with many clients over the last seven years, I’ve witnessed them dance the dreaded two steps forward and three steps back for this exact reason. When this happens, it is usually a sign that we are steeped in patterns operating from the predictable and feel STUCK. From this place, change and transformation seem impossible.

Those ingrained, seemingly automatic, or default patterns that feel like who we are at the core can be paralyzing.

An energetic, somatic,  and embodiment approach to change can be super powerful. Shifting our energy as a way to break out of the old patterns may seem airy-fairy, yet when done with awareness and focused intention, sustainable transformation is entirely possible.

I invite you to notice when you find yourself in a spin or stuck in an area where you’d like to achieve the desired result yet either self-sabotage or simply can’t make progress. In other words, there is a gap between what you want and where you are currently.

Please book a FREE flow session with me if you would like support. It would be my pleasure to guide you in the process. 

Grow With The Flow, 
