Bobbi Renee, self-love coach, looking off to the side holding a mug.

Collaborate in the Deep Dive of Your Life!

Untangle the emotional knots and realign your dreams, desires, and determination. 

Open the master valve to the flow of life, where liberation and abundance are the norm, peace and calm rule the day, and play and fun fill the nights.

Embody your most treasured values with ease, love, and compassion for yourself and others. YEAH…you are capable and deserving of it ALL

Ways to Grow with the Flow:

1:1 Embodiment + Self Love Coaching

Release and unravel the emotional knots that have formed the beliefs and patterns running on replay in your life. Reveal and embody your truest nature of peace and calm, deeply connected and rooted in self-love and appreciation, where you live life to its fullest potential.  

Gracious Growth Mastermind

A high level, intentional 3 month journey that includes practices and tools for untying emotional knots, a deeper dive into transcendence over transformation, and exactly what it means to grow with the flow of life and live from a place of full embodiment while embracing your most natural state of self love.

Seasonal Retreats & Events

Periodically, I host seasonal retreats and workshops to guide you through a transformative journey to help you get to your truest self. Learn more here.

Are you ready for this?

Clients that work with me are taking the next step in their journey. If you feel overwhelmed, are not ready for the full transformation, or you need more time to think about it, sign up for my newsletter to follow along the journey. You’ll learn more about my story and the next steps you need to take to become your best you.

Schedule Your First FREE Flow Session

You’re welcome to schedule a 45-minute FREE flow session with me, where we can connect and explore how growing with the flow can serve you in your life today. 

Working in EST

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM


Pittsburgh, PA
Serving clients locally & nationally