About Me

I am the antithesis of the phrase “people do not change” and that has fueled my passion and commitment to the way I coach clients.  I have been so angry, scared and alone that I didn’t even like myself let alone let anyone love me. But that all changed when I began to focus on embodiment and self-love, and now, I want to share that knowledge with you.

Hi There, I’m Bobbi

I hold certifications in:

  • Pause Trauma Informed Life Coach 

  • Reiki Mastery

  • QiGong 

  • And several others

My approach straddles the line of tough love and pure compassion as I hold firm to values like honesty, integrity, love, connection and family.  I lean heavily toward curiosity, inquiry, and invitation as I hold space for client wisdom to come through in sessions that can be integrated into life. 

I see my clients as the highest versions of themselves and treat them as such.  I’ve walked this path with mentors twice my age, decades younger, masters of energy healing, QiGong, and Western Religion.  A good day for me includes meaningful interaction with the barista or stranger I meet while out and about experiencing life. 

I love to sing in my car, the shower and alone in my home, open eye meditation is one of my most treasured gifts…I’ve learned in my now close to 5 decades on this earth that no one judges me as harshly as I judge myself and the more I lighten up the more I get to shine!

I fully embrace transcendence with energy healing after spending many of my years white knuckling my way through behavioral change (mindset work) taking two steps forward and 10 steps back, where I couldn’t get past old patterns and abused myself for it.  

This path of discovery has led me to my natural state of being, joyful, liberated and I get to wake up every day and choose it!

What I Offer

1:1 Embodiment + Self-Love Coaching

Reveal and embody your truest nature of peace and calm, deeply connected and rooted in self-love and appreciation, where you live life to its fullest potential.

Graceful Growth Mastermind

A high-level, intentional three-month journey that provides the practices and tools for untying emotional knots. We’ll take a deeper dive into transcendence over transformation, and you’ll learn exactly what it means to grow with the flow of life and live from a place of full embodiment while embracing your most natural state of self-love. 

Seasonal Retreats

More flow coming soon in 2023…

Schedule Your First FREE Flow Session

You’re welcome to schedule a 45-minute FREE flow session with me, where we can connect and explore how growing with the flow can serve you in your life today. 

Working in EST

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM


Pittsburgh, PA
Serving clients locally & nationally