Allegheny Mountains



 Embrace growth. Find your flow. Live free.

When: Thursday May 9th (check in 3pm) –  Sunday May 12th (check out 11am)

Location:  River Mountain Retreat Center

We invite you to join us for a transformative journey at the RECLAIM Retreat, where we will reconnect with our roots and find our way back to ourselves. Surrounded by nature’s beauty, we will immerse ourselves in the elements, embracing the healing energy of the trees, water, and open-air under the stars and moon.

Are you ready to leave the old you behind?

Register early for an extra Group Intention Q&A call and a 1:1 Clarity call with Bobbi (30 mins).

What to Expect

Together, we will ground ourselves and ignite our connection to the heartbeat of Mother Earth as we flow with the emergence of spring. This 3 night retreat is designed for those who desire to:

  • Love yourself unconditionally without exception 
  • Embody confidence and exude calm 
  • Know what you want and how to claim it 
  • Believe in yourself and follow your passion 
  • Trust your intuition and live life to its fullest potential 
  • Return to innocence, free of guilt and shame


What is RECLAIM?

RECLAIM is a barrier-free retreat where we liberate ourselves from the day-to-day overwhelm, anxiety, and stress that weighs us down. In this retreat, all barriers are removed, creating a space for us to settle into a frequency that naturally fosters connection and transformation. 

Here, there is no need for force or strain – transformation comes effortlessly as we recalibrate our natural state. Together, we anchor and stabilize in a safe space alongside others who are on their own unique journey. 

Before the retreat, Bobbi will host a call for attendees to get clear on intentions and connect, and lay the groundwork and prepare for RECLAIMING your true self.

You’ll also be provided a copy of the book “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A. Singer. We will use this book as a guide to help us break free from painful past experiences, and journey beyond the boundaries of our minds. 

Allegheny Mountains

Join us if you are…

Seeking to reset old patterns and beliefs.

Co-dependent and a people-pleaser who wants to start putting yourself first by releasing old stories and examining beliefs that keep you stuck in old patterns.

Controlled by fear, anxiety, and the feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed.

Always seeking more time in the day.

Noticing that your cup is empty and you have nothing to give to others.

Experiencing seasonal depression or depression.

Needing help with relationships.

Wanting to shift stuck energy.


Bobbi - retreat host

Bobbi Renee

I am a certified somatic coach,speaker, breathwork facilitator, and QiGong practitioner here to co-pilot alongside those who desire to release limiting beliefs and old patterns that create stress and stagnation so that they can live life in a state of FLOW.

Through connection to our breath, and Qi (life force energy)  we can tap into the wisdom of our body (soma) creating clear intention and flow to our life . From this space, possibilities are endless, stress/overwhelm become manageable, and ease and contentment the new set point. 

It’s my absolute pleasure to share my unique approach that has evolved over many years of  white knuckling through mindset work, struggles with food and body issues and healing deep emotional/relational trauma.   

My superpower is relatability wrapped in compassion with a side of groundedness.  Modalities like breathwork, somatic coaching, and QiGong have been integral in my healing journey and  have inspired me to create experiences for you! 

Jen Lucas

Jen Lucas

Jen Lucas is the owner of Sacred Tones Sound Healing Studio in Canonsburg and the Sound Therapy Provider at Nemacolin Resort’s Holistic Healing Center. Jen earned her Sound Therapy Practitioner certification in 2021 from Shift Meditation in Amsterdam and also holds two Vibrational Sound and Energy Therapist certifications (Foundational and Advanced Skills) from the Alexander Method®, a tuning fork modality.

After living in Southern California and experiencing sound therapy work as a participant, Jen recognized profound improvements in her mental, emotional, and physical well-being during a tumultuous time in her life. She also discovered a deeper love and recognition for the work as her soul’s mission, perhaps something she’s done many (life)times before.

Using a variety of instruments and techniques, Jen is able to tap into her intuitive resources to produce powerful frequency combinations that resonate with those attending her sessions, aiding in that individual’s healing of the mind, body, and soul!

Emily Franty

Emily Franty

I am a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with an additional 250+ hours of workshops to deepen my knowledge of heated vinyasa flow classes, Bikram Yoga, and Yoga Sculpt.

Inspired by studying abroad in India in 2016,where I was privileged to learn about mindfulness, meditation, compassion, and a deep sense of spirituality. Yoga evolved from a workout class into a window of opportunity to integrate this life changing experience and its lessons into my experience back home in the western world.

I am deeply passionate about the mind/body connection and our relationship to self, as that is the foundation of inward reflection and connection. I have experienced and witnessed firsthand how yoga brings oneself closer to their center; into their authentic power, in a physical, mental, and spiritual sense.

Teaching yoga opens a new perspective into the practice that I hold very sacred. However, I am forever and always a student of yoga first and foremost. I have deep gratitude for any student that finds themselves in my yoga class, and I look forward to flowing, breathing, and growing with you!”

What’s Included

  • The River Mountain provides all accommodations, and you will share a private cabin with other attendees. 

  • Three delicious homemade meals are included daily. We can accommodate vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets. Please advise us when booking if you have any special dietary needs.

  • Daily yoga, meditation, breathwork, QiGong, nightly sound baths, nature walks, and group sessions. 

  • Pre-retreat calls to connect and Post-retreat integration sessions.

  • Belonging and friendship that will last a lifetime.

The Sessions

Discover your authentic self by engaging in the following somatic practices led by Bobbi who will guide you in reclaiming your true essence. 

Morning Cacao Ceremonies with Guided Meditation

Get intimate with your heart! We will enjoy a cup of steamy ceremonial-grade cacao known for benefits such as dropping us into the heart, providing focus and clarity, opening blood vessels, and encouraging stimulating emotional well-being. In this circle, you will be supported in setting an intention for your time away, and whatever arises is truly welcome as we hold space for the highest good for all to prevail. 

Integrative and Meditative Breathwork Sessions

Move stuck energy with 10-15 minute integrative breathwork sessions. There will also be much longer 45-90 minute meditative sessions where we will intentionally connect to the breath to energize, relax, invigorate, and release stagnant emotional energy, freeing up space for creativity, healing, clarity, intuition, and whatever else comes to the surface. 

Daily Yoga

Wake up with Yoga in nature! The mother of all of somatic practice, nothing gets us into the body and breath like yoga, especially in the elements.  Incorporating this modality is a great way to introduce stress release, flexibility, strength, and body resilience while relaxing and easing the mind. If you are new to yoga, no sweat (maybe don’t take that literally). All levels are welcome and encouraged. 

Intro to QiGong

Connect to your life force energy! QiGong is a body-based practice steeped in traditional Chinese medicine and is even gentler than yoga. It emphasizes connection to the flow of “Qi” or life force energy in the body.  Movements are slow and flowy, relaxing and soothing the nervous system. Benefits include improved immunity, decreased stress, increased energy level, and overall well-being.

Nightly Sound Baths

Calm before rest! Let the relaxation of the mind and recalibration of your energetic body continue each night before sleep. We will wind down with sound bowls, drums, and chimes, further grounding, anchoring, and fortifying your system to its most healthy, creative, and receptive state.

Built-In Downtime

That’s right – you have FULL permission to DO NOTHING!! Whenever you want.

These ancient yet largely under-valued somatic practices come together to RECLAIM your body, life, and soul

There are opportunities for downtime in between the sessions, so feel free to “opt-in” or “out” for whatever you like and rest when you feel called to rest! Please note, we will leave space for impromptu coaching with Bobbi and individual sound sessions with Jen by appointment.

Welcome Your Yang & Abundant Heart Energy

The retreat will help you create space to RECLAIM Your True Self by:

  • Putting your mind to rest and permitting your body to reset.
  • Disconnecting from all devices.
  • Recalibrating your nervous system. 
  • Refocusing your attention and enhancing your memory.
  • Repairing relationships, identifying your triggers, and deepening your self-awareness.
  • Re-energizing your childhood wonder and sense of playfulness.
  • Returning to your natural, peaceful state of JOY.
  • Naturally, grounding yourself in nature reduces cortisol, heart rate, and blood pressure.

After the retreat, you will emerge feeling rejuvenated, revitalized, and emotionally nurtured, equipped with a new toolkit of somatic practices to integrate into your daily life, whether at home, work, or within personal relationships. 

In addition, a series of follow-up group sessions will be available to provide continued support and guidance sustaining the transformative journey you initiated during the retreat. You will also receive a FREE Flow session with Bobbi, allowing you to tap into your true self and create a newfound network of support that will accompany you beyond the retreat and throughout your life’s journey.

The Investment:

  • March 1st – April 30th: Pricing: $1,485
  • A payment plan is offered – it must be paid off 30 days before the retreat


Join us for this transformative experience of reclaiming your true self!

Working in EST

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM


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