1:1 Embodiment + Self-Love Coaching
Grow with the flow philosophy
BEing in the moment and living life from a place of ease and contentment, where relationships, desires, and dreams are all aligned, allowing them to fuel our soul unencumbered by emotional knots and limiting beliefs.
Growing with the Flow is deepening our connection to who we are at our core and experiencing life from that energetic state. It’s settling into a way of BEing that feels true and aligned with your core values where force and hustle or DOing are no longer default modes. BEING in FLOW is where transcendence precedes transformation.
What Does Coaching with Me Look Like?
Every session is unique, and the client is in the driver’s seat. I am the co-pilot holding the map and suggesting possible routes, available detours, and potential new unexplored territories. Some days may involve more talking and leaning in questions; others may include some breath work, meditation, or QiGOng. I give no advice, just offer curiosity and intrigue, opening the crack of what is possible for my clients as they focus, commit and push edges with support and guide rails along the path. I believe in transcendence over transformation, which requires total self-awareness and reflection.
Clients are always held in a fiercely loving space with me as a deep listener. A space is created free of judgment, full of compassion, and pure alignment to the client’s goals and vision at the core of each connection without a rigid schedule. Sessions are designed with flow and ease.

How We’ll Grow with the Flow Together
Daily Support + Q&A
Weekly Sessions
Going beyond the mind, we can’t change our mind by trying to change our mind (it’s an oxymoron) , we can only go to a deeper level with that which we have experienced before becomes irrelevant
– Deepak Chopra
Schedule Your First FREE Flow Session
You’re welcome to schedule a 45-minute FREE flow session with me, where we can connect and explore how growing with the flow can serve you in your life today.
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Working in EST
Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat: 8 AM – 12 PM
Pittsburgh, PA
Serving clients locally & nationally

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